36 research outputs found

    Selection of Decentralised Schemes and Parametrisation of the Decentralised Degenerate Compensators

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    The design of decentralised control schemes has two major aspects. The selection of the decentralised structure and then the design of the decentralised controller that has a given structure and addresses certain design requirements. This paper deals with the parametrisation and selection of the decentralized structure such that problems such as the decentralised pole assignment may have solutions. We use the approach of global linearisation for the asymptotic linearisation of the pole assignment map around a degenerate compensator. Thus, we examine in depth the case of degenerate compensators and investigate the conditions under which certain degenerate structures exist. This leads to a parametrisation of decentralised structures based on the structural properties of the system. (C) 2016, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    A Grassmann Matrix Approach for the Computation of Degenerate Solutions for Output Feedback Laws

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    The paper is concerned with the improvement of the overall sensitivity properties of a method to design feedback laws for multivariable linear systems which can be applied to the whole family of determinantal type frequency assignment problems, expressed by a unified description, the so-called Determinantal Assignment Problem (DAP). By using the exterior algebra/algebraic geometry framework, DAP is reduced to a linear problem (zero assignment of polynomial combinants) and a standard problem of multilinear algebra (decomposability of multivectors) which is characterized by the set of Quadratic Plucker Relations (QPR) that define the Grassmann variety of P. This design method is based on the notion of degenerate compensator, which are the solutions that indicate the boundaries of the control design and they provide the means for linearising asymptotically the nonlinear nature of the problems and hence are used as the starting points to generate linearized feedback laws. A new algorithmic approach is introduced for the computation and the selection of degenerate solutions (decomposable vectors) which allows the computation of static and dynamic feedback laws with reduced sensitivity (and hence more robust solutions). This approach is based on alternative, linear algebra type criterion for decomposability of multivectors to that defined by the QPRs, in terms of the properties of structured matrices, referred to as Grassmann Matrices. The overall problem is transformed to a nonlinear maximization problem where the objective function is expressed via the Grassmann Matrices and the first order conditions for optimality are reduced to a nonlinear eigenvalue-eigenvector problem. Hence, an iterative method similar to the power method for finding the largest modulus eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector is proposed as a solution for the above problem. (C) 2017, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Structure assignment problems in linear systems: Algebraic and geometric methods

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    The Determinantal Assignment Problem (DAP) is a family of synthesis methods that has emerged as the abstract formulation of pole, zero assignment of linear systems. This unifies the study of frequency assignment problems of multivariable systems under constant, dynamic centralized, or decentralized control structure. The DAP approach is relying on exterior algebra and introduces new system invariants of rational vector spaces, the Grassmann vectors and Plücker matrices. The approach can handle both generic and non-generic cases, provides solvability conditions, enables the structuring of decentralisation schemes using structural indicators and leads to a novel computational framework based on the technique of Global Linearisation. DAP introduces a new approach for the computation of exact solutions, as well as approximate solutions, when exact solutions do not exist using new results for the solution of exterior equations. The paper provides a review of the tools, concepts and results of the DAP framework and a research agenda based on open problems. © 2018 Elsevier Lt

    System Degeneracy and the Output Feedback Problem: Parametrisation of the Family of Degenerate Compensators

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    The paper provides a new characterisation of constant and dynamic degenerate compensators for proper multivariable systems. The motivation stems from the very important property that degenerate feedback gains may be used for the linearisation of the pole assignment limp and enable frequency assignment. The objective is the characterisation and parametrisation of all feedback gains that may allow the asymptotic linearisation of the pole placement map. Such a parametrisation introduces new degrees of freedom for the linearisation of the related frequency assignment map and plays an important role to the solvability of the output, feedback pole assignment problem. The paper reviews the Global Asymptotic Linearisation method associated with the core versions of determinantal pole assignment problems and defines the conditions which characterises degenerate solutions of different types. Using the theory of ordered minimal bases, we provide a parametrisation of special families of degenerate compensators according to their degree. Finally, the special properties of degenerate solutions that allow frequency assignment are considered. 2016, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting, by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved